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当前位置:牛气建筑网建筑课堂工程资料工程测量计算区域面积[VB/VBA函数]» 正文


[08-22 13:58:42]   来源:http://www.67jzw.com  工程测量   阅读:8541

概要:'Points格式:'Points(0):X'Points(1):Y'Points(2):H'...公式:Area=1/2*(x1*y2-x2*y1+x2*y3-x3*y2+... ...+xn*x1-x1*yn)Private Function Area(Points() As Double) As Double '计算Points()区域面积 Dim L As Long L = UBound(Points) - 3 Dim T1 As Long Dim S As Double S = 0 For T1 = 0 To L Step 3 S = S + Points(T1) * Points(T1 + 4) - Points(T1 + 1) * Points(T1 + 3) Next T1 S = S + Points(T1) * Points(1) - Points(T1 + 1) * Points(0) Area = Abs(S / 2)

'...公式:Area=1/2*(x1*y2-x2*y1+x2*y3-x3*y2+... ...+xn*x1-x1*yn)
Private Function Area(Points() As Double) As Double      '计算Points()区域面积
    Dim L As Long
    L = UBound(Points) - 3
    Dim T1 As Long
    Dim S As Double
    S = 0
    For T1 = 0 To L Step 3
        S = S + Points(T1) * Points(T1 + 4) - Points(T1 + 1) * Points(T1 + 3)
    Next T1
    S = S + Points(T1) * Points(1) - Points(T1 + 1) * Points(0)
    Area = Abs(S / 2)
End Function
Tag:工程测量工程测量规范,工程测量技术工程资料 - 工程测量

上一篇:利用真数(级数展开)公式和垂距趋近正反算曲线程序(for 4850P)



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